Labour Party Secures Victory in 2024 General Election in UK

General Election in UK 2024

When most of the results, from the 2024 election are announced it is expected that the Labour Party will secure a victory. According to a revised prediction by the BBC the party is projected to win 412 seats giving them a majority of around 170. The Conservative Partys outcome with 122 seats could possibly mark their performance in terms of seats in history while the Lib Dems total of 71 votes may be their highest since 1923. As the night progresses the SNP is likely to maintain 10 seats while the Green Party, Plaid Cymru and Reform UK are each expected to secure four seats. Other parties in Northern Ireland and elsewhere are anticipated to win a total of 23 seats.

The vote share for Labour has increased by under 2 points whereas the Moderates have experienced a decline of around 20 points, in their vote share. The BBC predicts a voter turnout of 60% across the UK, which would make it one of the turnouts ever recorded in a UK election since approximately 1885 – with only 2001 having seen a lower turnout at around 59%.

Vote share

Work holds 34% of the vote, across the UK while the Preservationists have secured 24%. Despite expectations for the leftists to claim the largest number of seats Change currently holds that position in terms of vote share. However Change has faced challenges in translating votes into seats with four MPs elected far including party leader Nigel Farage in Clacton.

The partys vote share has notably declined in areas where a significant number of voters supported leaving the European Union dropping by 27 points in constituencies where over 60% voted Leave. In constituencies with numbers of Brexit supporters in England and Wales Conservative support decreased by around 24 points to 32% while Labours share increased by five points to reach 28%.

Labours support in constituencies with populations saw a decrease of around 23 points to 39%. In these areas Conservative vote share also dropped by 12 points to 13%.

According to polling expert Sir John Curtice The Greens have achieved their performance yet in an election and are expected to secure about 7% of the vote. The party has successfully gained victories, in Bristol Central, Waveney Valley and North Herefordshire while retaining Brighton Pavilion.

Changed hands

This guide outlines the seats won by a party, in the
general election. Significant progress has been made by the SNP in Scotland
while the Liberal Democrats have secured seats, across regions of Britain.


Many seats, in Scotland have been won by the Labour Party with the Scottish National Party losing, over 35 seats. The Liberal left wing party has secured a few seats. The Moderates have currently managed to hold onto three. The SNPs share of the vote has decreased by 15 points while Labours has increased by 17 points in the regions.


All the voting districts, in Ribs have been declared. Labor has won nine seats bringing their total to 27. The Conservatives lost 12 seats. Currently have no representatives, in Ridges. Plaid Cymru has secured two seats bringing their total to four while the Liberal Democrats have claimed Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe.

Northern Ireland

Sinn Féin has emerged as the party, in Northern Irelands Westminster securing all seven seats it won in 2019 while the Democratic Unionist Party lost three of its eight seats, in the recent general election.

Territorial change